Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Agreements and History – Draw it in your Mother tongue

Isn’t a child’s feeling in knowing his/her Mother an “Astonishing surprise”? 

The true meaning of softness, the perfection of Love, the face of God who taught him/her to know the importance of Language “The Life of his/her Life”- an Astonishing Surprise, Then why should your Agreements in life and your History be in a different language which is complicated by it’s sense, understanding, clarity than your Mother Tongue.

The Imperfection and the sense in understanding every language from the origin is really a debate for perfection. The mentality of a man sails and thrives only for one word “Trust” and the maximum assurance point can only be by one’s ‘Mother Tongue’. 

Think about all your contracts be written in the same language which you speak! So very simple to understand and leaves no point of suspicion behind, which fills a mind with satisfaction that the activity of “Doubt is Completed” and starts to concentrate on a new thought.

From the past it has been promoted, taught and requested to complete an act before going to the next and the misery felt by every mind in this world is because of the non completion of so many acts every day. There is no answer of perfection but can be reduced by communicating in one’s ‘Mother Tongue’. -   Think to know the Truth!

                                                                                                               – By Sabarish Jayaraman

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