Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Belief - The power to bring alive one’s Imagination

The Belief of one’s imagination about the Nature happens alive, only when it reaches so many - the very first point which was considered by our ancient thinkers, leaders, kings and scientists. The knowledge acquired is to be shared and the question to whom laid the path for “The creation of communities”. Obviously after creation it is to be secured from nothing but from the thoughts of other thinkers,leaders, Kings and scientists because for a creation to achieve development, it is to be secured.
For anything to develop, the importance of the skill “Understanding” is to be seeded and promoted. Imagining what might have fulfilled the source factor would throw light in the topic – The want of the day.
The need of the skill was during the period when human beings were not aware of his own duties and responsibility to the society he lived in. The importance of his duty and responsibility can only be understood when one understands the “importance of giving respect to one’s thought and feeling”. The Raising and the said importance happened by the formula “Story Telling” , which obviously every human being were interested to listen. The formula brought big success, when the stories carried with them a sense of fearing for god. The terminology, the spot light in the dark and the very key sense generated and formulated by our ancient thinkers, leaders, kings and scientists, mesmerized the entire race making them believe that he/she could only survive, when he/she adheres to the orders of the one person who was said/promoted to be “ The son of God”.
The men of those days sacrificed everything that he/she possessed and even died to secure the interest of the society he lived in. This mesmerized mentality happened in every race and the success of promotion just happened because the orders of Empire were imposed and embossed through stories in the very minds of the community, as sayings of god about one’s duty and responsibility to the society he/she lives in. The Belief on that imagination is still revolving in the form of a spring, creating the importance of having a leader and adhering to his imaginations.
The one and only formula that exists behind the happenings/creations of a man all these days from the period ancient is nothing but the “Success of anything is reached only by telling a very impressive story” - The Belief of one man happened alive in every human.
The importance of Belief was rightly understood but “Promoting it to many” has been misunderstood. Our approach that our explanations about our imaginations should be very very big like a story, has destroyed the importance of understanding that others should have about our imaginations. Instead of being big let we all cast to be Simple and small which is always promoted high like today’s advertisements, which runs just for minutes.
The changing trend made me believe that it’s time for the Belief which powered the happening of one’s imagination alive has come to an end point for a new start. The modern era promoting Individuality has changed our mentalities and created in us the discomfort in hearing even to short stories. The new is to be welcomed for eg., The Terminology HD in communication industry. A Cause for a New Belief has arrived and is also predicted to be “Simple” covering the aspect the way new is only to be brand New.
We are aware that only few of our ancestors were capable to read or write or both his language and we today are far better than them but let us keep in mind that our next generation will be far better than us before promoting a New Belief because the Imagination/idea of our ancestors survived this long due to lack of Individuality.
- By Sabarish Jayaraman

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