Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Education – understanding its true meaning leads us to the “front”

The running world, very ambitious pushing humans to mark their “Brand” in the world of history, but to the sadness our learning concept failed from it's contingency to educate us how to create a Brand name?, the debate the most important.

The school days teaches us about the past history of existence and mainly speaks about the inventors of things, thesis, concepts, sayings, Etc,. The explanations are in such a manner likewise that, there was a man born on a day, survived in a place, and then during his --- years of survival did a thing which had turned in this present world a most valuable, helping around us for our survival. The Educational structure is all about inventions, thesis, sayings of leaders who marked their names in the books of history, about languages, about the universe, Etc,. The mandatory importance in knowing all these things obliviously comes to an end in us, as soon as the exams are over. It is sad that the Word “Exams” made us all remember the said topic of education. The topic started vanishing once the exams were over, we lifted our collars by a thought, a over confidence that, we had obtained the necessary knowledge that which is required during that standard of education and once again we continued our journey focusing on the succeeding years.

Do we still remember all the stuff that we studied like the points, sayings of leaders, history about human beings and who did what?, that which made us think we had grown, lighted in us the over confidence that we had achieved the knowledge required for our survival. If we still remember then why there is only the word struggling in the career book of man, who is dying for years together to build the very word peace around us.

Is the problem because that we don’t have a perfect combination of subjects or is the problem because that we have not understood the true meaning of education. The concept of learning should be understood in such a way that each and every student must clearly understand why he should educate himself and what is the really truth behind the very word education.

The true meaning of education is nothing but the "Histories of success and probable stories", determined by those people who meditated and dedicated their life journey towards the word “New”. The journey towards the literal meaning of the word “New” and its conquest by so many leaders, scientists and thinkers, educates and strengthens us to be confident at all times, especially when we are in our way “New”.

The past success stories leads us to answer why can’t we and erases in us the dilemma, the doubt, the negative thinking and makes every one us to start to see things with confidence, failures of our attempts as growth and makes all of us understand that the pleasures of life comes only after pain. What else is still required when we have started facing the failures with confidence that one or the other day we will have a Brand name for ourselves, inspiring the world towards us, by being in the front page of every newspaper.

The true meaning of Education is to make us do and be “NEW”, and will one or the other day lead us all to the front.
- By Sabarish Jayaraman